
KfW Development Bank

From February 2023 to July 2023, PITCO, under the German Development Bank (KfW), prepared a Scoping Study to identify suitable Partners/Project Executing Agencies (PEA) and related projects/programs in Pakistan. The project aimed to support Pakistan’s decarbonization efforts and enhance resilience to climate risks. The study was performed in two stages: identifying potential partners and assessing their project proposals, followed by developing promising project/program proposals, including pre-feasibility assessments.

PITCO’s services included data collection, literature review, interviews, and information analysis to identify potential partners. PITCO conducted institutional assessments, reviewed third-party views on PEAs and proposed projects, and developed presentations for six projects. The project also involved environmental and social screening, categorizing proposed projects, and performing in-depth E&S assessments. Pre-feasibility studies, including detailed analysis, comprehensive feasibility reports, and ranked lists of projects for implementation, were also developed.

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